What Broadcasting and Events Have in Common
Have you ever thought about what broadcasting and events have in common? In this week’s episode, host Reyna Caraveo discusses the crossover between the two industries and important skills you need to know as an event professional.
With the event industry taking a deep dive into the virtual space this year, there’s much to learn from other industries who’ve been doing for a long time what we now have to learn as event professionals. So what can we learn from the broadcast industry?
In this episode we discuss:
- Commonalities between the broadcast media and event industries for producing successful virtual and hybrid events such as:
- Studio space
- High-quality equipment
- Video/Audio Editing
- Scriptwriting
- Production personnel
- Important skills for event professionals to learn from the broadcast industry such as:
- Scriptwriting
- Proper verbiage for Run of Shows
- Video/Audio Editing
- The value of on-air quality
- Resources for event professionals:
- PCMA – Online Events Reimagined as Broadcasts
- Broadcast Production Terminology
- Scriptwriting Templates – Video Script, TV News Script
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Listen to our latest episode on We’re Not Just Event Planners Anymore. Learn more about The Event Umbrella Podcast and listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Stitcher!